ESG Policy

ESG-policy, Brunswick Real Estate
Our commitment
Brunswick Real Estate’s philosophy is simple. Creating value is not only about strong financial returns. It
is about making a positive impact on our society and environment.

Our focus on real estate investment management brings a significant impact on climate and lives, and
therefore a great responsibility. This means considering environmental, social and governance aspects
throughout all our operations.

Brunswick’s business model involves partnering up and co-investing with investors from around the world
to build independent investment platforms. Every investment platform has its own sustainability policy
and goals, matching the nature of the different investments.

Brunswick recognizes the scientific evidence saying that human activity since the industrial revolution is
accelerating climate change, causing e.g. extreme weather, rising sea levels, reduced biodiversity and
extinction of species. Brunswick supports the reduction targets stated in the Paris Agreement and will
continuously work to reduce its operational greenhouse gas emissions, in order to contribute to the efforts
limiting the global temperature increase. The UN Sustainable Development Goals works as a framework
for our ESG-initiatives. Brunswick is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investments and
Global Compact.

Our ESG-strategy in short
We focus on accelerating the use of ESG-initiatives, sharing best practices and increasing understanding
internally, as well as influencing externally.

We help transform buildings for the better
One way or another, buildings make a difference to us all. Green, safe and including environments have
positive effects on people living and working in the area. Indoor climate affects health, productivity, and
wellbeing of people residing inside. Brunswick’s overall aim is to improve every single asset during the
holding period. A thorough technical and environmental due diligence is incorporated in the investment
decisions for all properties, across all mandates.

We measure ourselves against positive targets
For the purpose of evaluating and improving our work, we strongly believe in the power of measuring
results on all levels. Environmental aspects include, but are not limited to, climate change, waste,
materials and water. Social aspects include, but are not limited to, health and wellbeing, safety,
employment and crime. By measuring the effect of our actions, we can show actual increased value of
our assets and influence investors and borrowers to further initiatives.

Governance and reporting
We look to constantly evaluate, and when appropriate, expand the use of frameworks and reporting to
systemize and align our way or working with ESG-targets. Transparency and ethics, including but not
limited to corruption, are always high on the management agenda. Sustainability disclosure is reported to
investors on investment platform level.

This policy is applicable to all staff and all parts of the Brunswick Real Estate operations. It is revised
Last updated: 10 January 2023
Responsible person of this document: Sara Svedjedal, Head of Innovation & Communication,